Monday 2 March 2015

Gaming : atari 2600 (Seconed Gen)

Atari 2600

Technical Specifications

Processor: 6507 (I slightly stripped down version of the 6502)
Speed: 1.19Mhz

RAM: 128 bytes

ROM: 4K Cartridge ROM space without bankswitching

Sound: TIA custom Atari graphics/sound chip.Graphics: TIA custom Atari graphics/sound chip

Graphics RAM: None

Colors: 128

Sprites: 2, 8 bit wide; 2, 3, 1 bit wide; All sprites full screen height

Background Graphics: 40 pixels wide by 192 lines high.

I/O: Joystick and console switch IO handled byte 6532 RIOT and TIA

2 Joystick ports
1 Cartridge port, Power in
RF output

Graphical Changes : 

This generation of gaming provided the first sustainable user interface that the youser could interact and understand. As technology was still early in development it was still basic and had limited functions.


The Atari 2600 was initially called the Atari VCS which was considered to be be the the godfather of today's video game systems which lead to the creation of a multi-million dollar industry. This console sold over 30 million copies and as any company could create games for it hundreds of millions of games where also sold during the course of 3 decades and dominate the industry.

During the crash of 1977 where many consoles and companies where falling off the market the Atari 2600 managed to emerge unscathed  and had strong sales in 1978. In the years to come competition was getting harder, with the introductuion of the Mattel Intellivision and the Magnavox Odessey 2

Boxing Game
In 1980 Atari needed to snuff out competition with one blow, they found it by creating a home version of Space invaders, a Japanese game. Space invaders was so popular on the market people flocked to by the console in order to play the game from the comfort of their own homes. Also in 1980 4 employees who where fed up of the working conditions of Atari split from the company to create their own, Activision. Activision initially released 4 games : Boxing, Checkers, Fishing Derby, Dragster. They met well with the public even though Atari was trying to drop their sales as much as possible, also these games showed that much better games where being produced for the console which where not created at Atari. With this Atari decided to allow third party companies to manufacture games for the Atari 2600 in exchange for royalty.

With this declaration many companies where sprouting out of nowhere to try and take part in the success of this console. Such companies where Venturevison, Spectravision, Tigervision and many others. Financially successful for Atari though it wasn't for long after, quality titles where still being produced though a lot of other games where being rushed to try and squeeze out every cent from the industry. In 1983 another crash was imminent, many of these companies dropped of the earth. Atari also had a shock during this period . The console had now dropped to the price of $40-50 from the original $199.99. 

In 1986 Atari had decided to introduce the 7800 to the market .These where mentioned briefly during the crash though none where released during that time. The 7800 was backwards compatible with the entire library of Atari, Also the Atari 2600 was re introduced as the 2600 Jr . It was redesigned and having the same abilities only to have a new marketing campaign. It was still sold for less than $50. It saw a Boom in sales once again in 1987 but brief. The time of the Atari 2600 was over. The Atari 2600 is the only console to hold the longest history and hold to most sales of its system in the industry
Atari 2600 Jr

AtariAge. 1998. Atari 2600 History. [ONLINE] Available at:
[Accessed 08 April 15].

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